Eagle Scout Scholarship

Eagle Scout

Join the Commitment

About the Scholarship

Fewer than 4 percent of youth who become involved in scouting reach its highest rank of Eagle Scout.  Those that do have had the opportunity to learn and master many skills over the years through campouts, hikes, canoe trips, service projects, troop activities and troop meetings.  They have learned to be self-reliant: respectful and caring of other scouts, their communities and the environment: and to give back to their community.
Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges and demonstrating Scout Spirit through the Boy Scout Oath and Law, service, and leadership. This includes an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads, and manages. Eagle Scouts are presented with a medal and a badge that visibly recognizes the accomplishments of the Scout.
This scholarship was created as a way to honor the hard work and dedication that it takes to be an Eagle Scout, and to benefit the deserving recipient as they take the next step in furthering their education.

Number of Awards and Value

One for as much as $1000


  • Must be an Eagle Scout currently registered in an active unit in Gratiot County, Michigan OR maintain the BSA “College Reserve” registration;
  • Previous recipients may reapply, but will only be considered if there are no new applicants;
  • Must have earned their Eagle Scout Award while a member of a Gratiot County Boy Scouts of America Troop;
  • Must have been a member of a Gratiot County Boy Scouts of America Troop for at least two years;
  • Must be a legal resident of Gratiot County, unless a graduate student who meets other requirements;
  • Must use scholarship in the pursuit of post-secondary vocational, technical, or  undergraduate education;
  • Must demonstrate high moral character and participate in service to the community;
  • Must submit personal letters of reference from the Scout Leader and one other individual representing community, school or church;
  • Must submit a completed Eagle Scout Scholarship Information Form available on the Foundation’s website or by calling the Foundation at (989)875-4222; and
  • Must submit a completed Gratiot County Community Foundation Scholarship Application available on the Foundation’s website or by calling the Foundation at (989)875-4222.

Scholarship Recipients



Devin Dennison


claurenz seniorphoto 5732

Cramer Laurenz


dennison, dillon

Dillon Dennison


320 1 wertwilliam

William Wert


Cavun Beck


badgerow, aidan

Aiden Badgerow


glynn, lucas

Lucas Glynn


wright, austyn eagle scout pic

Austyn Wright


austin brittain eagle scout picture (2015)

Austin Brittain